Friday, December 10, 2010


Movie: Extract
I saw it on: September 4, 2009
Cast: Jason Bateman, Mila Kunis, Ben Affleck, Kristen Wiig, Clifton Collins, Jr., J.K. Simmons
Genre: Comedy
Synopsis: Joel (Jason Bateman) is the moderately successful owner of a vanilla extract company.  His second in command is Brian (J. K. Simmons).  Joel is having marital problems with his wife (Kristen Wiig).  When one of his employees is injured in a freak accident, con-woman Cindy (Mila Kunis) moves in to take advantage of the situation.  Things liven up when Joel makes the mistake of listening to advice from his druggie-bartender (Ben Affleck).    

My two
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cents:  This movie should become a classic. There are three different scene-stealers:  Ben Affleck is hysterical as the bartender running on way less than all cylinders.  J.K. Simmons is great as the number two guy at the plant.  He could write a book on how not to manage employees.  But the biggest delight of all was David Koechner as possible the most annoying neighbor of all time.

Probably the funniest movie I have seen this year.  The funny lines – and activities – come so fast that I am looking forward to seeing the movie again so I can see what I missed the first time.

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