Friday, December 10, 2010


Movie: Shorts
I saw it on: August 23, 2009
Cast: Leslie Mann, William H. Macy, James Spader, Jon Cryer
Genre: Family Comedy/Fantasy
Synopsis: Leslie Mann and Jon Cryer play the parents of Toe Thomson.  Toe had a group of bullies greet him every day at school to make his life miserable . . . until Toe finds the magic rock.  Whoever has possession of this rock (found at the end of the rainbow) gets his or her wishes granted.  The story is told in a series of flashbacks or short stories (hence the title) each one detailing how someone –both kids and parents – find the stone and get their wish(es) granted.  Naturally, the way the wish is granted does not always work out the way the wisher wanted.

James Spader plays the father of the brother and sister who lead the bullies.  He is also the evil corporate head who is trying to market the “Black Box” that will do everything: phone, TV, baby monitor, toaster, megaphone – you name it and the Black Box does it (or tries to).  Both of Toe’s parents are competing team leaders in the Black corporation and are having some personal problems.

My two cents: A decent light comedy.  It was an interesting way to tell the old magic wishes  “careful what you wish for” story.  I liked seeing Jon Cryer in a not-so-wimpy role for a change.  Leslie Mann is always a pleasure to see in a movie.  James Spader looked like he had fun playing the over-the-top evil bad guy.  There were also some decent special effects.  Without giving anything away, I really liked the special effects used to bring Toe’s parents closer together at a party. 

Definitely a kids’ movie.  Unless you have some pre-teen kids, I would suggest waiting till it hits TV.

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