Friday, December 10, 2010


Movie: Pandorum
I saw it on: September 28, 2009
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster, Cam Gigandet, Cung Le, Antje Traue
Genre: Science Fiction, Horror
Synopsis: Set in a future where the population of the world exceed 20 million.  Scientists finally find a planet that will support humans.  They pack up 60,000 people in a ship and send them off to colonize.  Because of the length of the trip, there are over 10 different 4-man crews.  Everyone except one crew is in a suspended animation capsule.  Every two years, the crews are rotated out.  One member of a crew is brought out of suspended animation only to find the previous crew is nowhere to be found.  He wakes up his lieutenant (Dennis Quaid) and they try to learn what has happened.  What they learn quickly is that there are some kind of creatures on the loose and that the ships reactor is about to shutdown.

Their mission now is to figure out what creatures are running around trying to kill them, fix the reactor, learn what happened to the previous crew, what year is it and where exactly are they (the ship).

My two cents: Pretty good movie.  The creatures were well-done and pretty intimidating.  The explanation behind the creatures was very creative.  Some interesting plot twists – culminating with the explanation of what really happened and where they are.

Worth seeing.

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