Friday, December 10, 2010

Spike & Mike's Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation 2010

Movie: Spike & Mike's Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation 2010
I saw it on: December 6, 2010
Synopsis: A collection of animated shorts.

My two cents: Well, I said it takes a lot for me to actively dislike a movie - and this had enough.  I like to think I am pretty open-minded and don't shock too easily - but this collection of animated shorts was just too much.  There were a few gems, but most of them were just flat out disturbing, to be charitable.  I have to wonder about the minds behind some of these.  Even in Junior High, I like to think I had enough sophistication to find many of these to be more disgusting than amusing.  I am curious if "Spike and Mike" deliberately go after the most disgusting, gross and psychotic shorts - or if that is simply what is being produced.  I would be embarrassed to associate my name with most of these.

Bottom line: I know the title includes the words “Sick and Twisted”, so a reasonable question is “what did I expect?”.  My answer – not this twisted and not this sick.  Maybe there is some point to all this that I am missing, but I don't know a single person that I think would enjoy this film. 

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