Movie: Rango
Genre: animated western
Synopsis: Rango (Johnny Depp) is a chameleon without much going for him other than a wild imagination. When an accident strands him in the Nevada desert, he manages to make it to the town of Dirt. Dirt is mysteriously running out of water. The town is run by a crooked mayor. After Rango makes up a few tall stories about his shooting skills and the citizens believe him. He ends up becoming the sheriff. Now he starts trying to solve the mystery of where the water has disappeared to. This involves fighting a huge family of gopher-like critters, going up against the mayor’s gang, a rattlesnake who works for the mayor and even having a conversation with “the spirit of the west”. Some of the other actors voices: Ned Beatty, Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin, Alfred Molina, Stephen Root and Timothy Olyphant.
My two cents: A very entertaining movie. It seemed to me that this movie was almost aimed for more of an adult audience than kids. I was not expecting such an all-star cast of voices. The movie was a bit long for an animated film . . . but I really enjoyed it.