Movie: Horrible Bosses
Genre: comedy
Synopsis: Nick (Jason Bateman), Dale (Charlie Day) and Kurt (Jason Sudeikis) and three friends who all have bosses-from-hell: played by Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston (a dentist) and Colin Farrell respectively. They decide the bosses need to die – so they hire a murder-consultant played by Jamie Foxx. Naturally, things do not go quite as planned.
My two cents: I really liked this movie. Kevin Spacey was great as an evil boss. It was fun to watch Colin Farrell play someone so out of character. Jason Bateman was his usual sober, dead-pan character. Jennifer Aniston was … Jennifer Aniston. The twist in the Stranger on a Train plot was pretty amusing. My only serious problem was trying to believe that a single guy would be able to – for years – resist Jennifer Aniston’s non-stop quest to get him in bed. It was kind of fun to see her slip out of her usual nice-girl and play something of a slutty nymphomaniac who seemingly has no limit to what she will do to get nail her dental assistant.
Bottom line: it would have been hard for a film with this much star talent to go wrong – and it went very right. Lots of laughs.