Movie: Hanna
Genre: thriller
Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Hanna (Saoirse Ronan) has been raised by her father, Erik (Eric Bana), in an arctic forest to be the perfect assassin. The ultimate target of Hanna’s training is a government agent, Marissa (Cate Blanchett), from Erik’s past. The movie follows Hanna on her quest to kill Marissa while Marissa is doing her best to kill both Hanna and Erik.
My two cents: This was a great movie. Hanna’s survival and fighting skills reminded me of Jason Bourne – but with a teenaged girl. The plot was interesting, the acting was good and the action was great. I have been a fan of Cate Blanchette since The Aviator and of Saoirse Ronan since Atonement – neither of these two let me down in this movie. I look forward to a sequel.