Movie: Straw Dogs
Genre: thriller
Synopsis: David and Amy Sumner (Jamers Marsden and Kate Bosworth) have just moved to Amy’s hometown of Blackwater Mississippi. David is a screenwriter working on a movie script and is something of a pacifist. Amy’s return stirs up her old boyfriend, Charlie (Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd) and his posse of rednecks. Charlie and his friends keep pushing David. Finally the town trouble-maker, James Woods, provides the match that ignites the finale with the whole bunch doing their best to break into the house to kill them . . . when it turns out that if you push David hard enough, he will eventually push back.
My two cents: This movie had its moments, but not enough of them. I thought the behavior of David and Amy was not too believable, given the circumstances. In retrospect, I would have waited for this movie to hit HBO or Netflix.