Movie: Jeff, Who Lives at Home
Genre: comedy
Synopsis: Sharon (Susan Sarandon) has two sons: Pat (Ed Helms), who is married to Linda (Judy Greer) and his younger brother, 30-year-old Jeff (Jason Segel), who lives in his mother’s basement. Pat is not a nice guy – verbally abusive to his wife and just an all-around jerk. Jeff is just aimless. He is unemployed snd is intent on finding a ‘sign’ to get him on his path. He gets a wrong-number call for Kevin – and decides that his is his sign. His pursuit of “Kevin” the entire day results in a number of interesting events – playing basketball with a Kevin, running into his brother Pat . . . and much more. At the same time, we follow his mother as she discovers that she has a secret admirer at work.
My two cents: This movie sounded a bit odd. The only reason I saw it was the presence of Jason Segel, Ed Helms and Judy Greer. They did not let me down. While this movie definitely qualifies a quirkey, it is also delightful – I like the way the different story lines converge . . . and I loved the way that Jeff finally understands where the path ends that the wrong-number call for “Kevin” set him on.