Movie: Abduction
Genre: thriller
Synopsis: Nathan (Taylor Lautner) seems to be a typical teenaged boy. He has a loving mother (Maria Bella) and a rather strict father (Jason Isaacs). His biggest problems seem to be managing his anger issues and getting up the courage to ask his neighbor, Karen (Lilly Collins), out on a date. Nathan’s world is turned upside down when he suspects his parents are not his biological parents. It turns out a really nasty foreign agent is after Nathan and all hell breaks loose because now he know where Nathan is. Nathan and his friend Karen go on the run. It also turns out that the CIA is after Nathan. It becomes a race to see if the CIA will be able to get Nathan before the foreign agent (and his seemingly endless supply of gunmen) can get him and kill him.
My two cents: I had a little problem with the idea of a teenager to be able to get through what Nathan has to do. Other than that, this was a decent movie. Probably no Oscars . . . but enjoyable enough.