Movie: Bernie
Genre: comedy-true crime
Synopsis: This is based on
fact. In the 1990’s, Bernie (Jack Black)
arrives in a small Texas town to be an assistant mortician. Bernie is almost too good to be true. The elderly ladies of the town love him, he
sings in the choir, is a boys scout troop leader - - - you name the good deed
that needs doing and Bernie is doing it.
Then he befriends Marjorie Nugenta (Shirley Maclaine), wealthy
widow. Marjorie becomes completely dependent
on Bernie. What ensues results in a
police investigation lead by Danny Buck (Matthew McConaughey) and allegations
of murder.
My two cents: This was one
strange movie – especially when it turns out to be true. Jack Black was great as Bernie. If you like off-beat comedies with a bit of
darkness, you should like this.