Movie: Green Lantern 3D
Genre: Superhero
Synopsis: Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) is a top test pilot with a reputation of being reckless. There is an intergalactic organization of aliens who are protectors of the universe. They derive their power from green rings that enables them to create a physical manifestation of whatever they think. When one of these protectors fatally crashes on earth, the alien’s green power ring selects Hal to replace the dying alien. Ultimately, Hal has to come to terms with the responsibility of having this power . . . and to save earth and the universe from the bad-guy alien force.
My two cents: A pretty decent entry into the superhero genre. The power the ring provides is really pretty extraordinary. Ryan Reynolds has the body for a superhero and the requisite smart-ass attitude along with a dose of insecurity. Blake Lively was quite fetching as Hal’s sort-of boss and sort-of girlfriend. Tim Robbins made a good evil U.S. Senator and Peter Sarsgaard made a decently creepy ‘human’ opponent after he is infected by the evil “yellow” power.
Bottom line: if you like superhero-type movies, you should like this.