Movie: The Whistleblower
Genre: drama
Synopsis: Kathy (Rachel Weisz) is a Nebraska police officer. She is hired by a State Department contractor to be part of the United Nations peacekeeping force in post-war Bosnia. While there, she discovers that there are very young girls being held in brothels as sex slaves. As Kathy investigates, she finds the she has only scratched the surface, not only are the local police involved, but members of the U.N. peacekeeping force are actually helping smuggle the kidnapped girls into Bosnia. Then, higher-ups decide to shutdown Kathy’s investigation, forcing her to take some extreme measures. Also stars Vanessa Redgrave, David Strathairn and Monica Bellucci.
My two cents: I had to keep reminding myself that the events in this movie really happened. The things these poor girls are put through and forced to do are unimaginable. And equally unimaginable is how anyone could allow things like this to occur and then protect to perpetrators, much less to actually participate. Kathy put her own life in jeopardy to try and make the world aware of these atrocities. This was a tough movie to watch . . . but one that needs to be seen. Rachel Weisz turns in a great performance.