Movie: A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas
Genre: comedy
Synopsis: This is set several years after the 2nd movie of the series. Harold (John Cho) has dumped Kumar (Kal Penn) as a friend. He works on Wall Street, is very successful, lives in a beautiful house, is married and trying to have a child. His stress levels go through the ceiling with the arrival of his father-in-law along with about 15 other in-laws for Christmas. Kumar, still a stoner, drops by Harold’s house. Their adventure begins when the Christmas tree Harold’s father-in-law brought burns down. The movie follows the re-united friends as they try to find a replacement tree on Christmas eve.
My two cents: This is my favorite of the three movies. If you can get past the wildly inappropriate subject matter of most of the jokes, it is really funny. There are a lot of inside jokes – such as a crack about Kumar working in the White House (Kal Penn really did work for White House for a year). NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) is back – with an interesting explanation about how he survived his death in the second Harold and Kumar movie. I thought the real scene stealer in this movie is the Waffle-Bot. If you liked the first two in the series, you are sure to like this installment.