Movie: Apollo 18
Genre: thriller
Synopsis: The premise is that Apollo 17 was not the last Apollo mission. There was a top-secret Apollo 18 that made it to the moon. When they got there, they discovered what would become the basis of the catch-phrase “there is a reason we never went back”.
My two cents: This movie has gotten pretty crappy reviews . . . but I liked it. The big stumbling block is believing that - with all the hundreds, if not thousands, of people on the ground involved with an Apollo mission – it has taken over 35 years for anything to be leaked about it to the public. Once I got past that, it was kind of fun. A number of real goose-bump moments; such as when the two astronauts in the lunar module look out their window and discover that the flag they planted is no longer there, or when they discover footprints. I think this was much better than the critics and a lot of viewers) have given it credit for.