Movie: War Horse
Genre: war
Synopsis: The movie starts out shortly before World War I in England. Albert (Jeremy Irvine) forms an unbreakable friendship with a thoroughbred horse (Joey) his father bought. When World War I breaks out, the horse is sold to the army. As soon as he is old enough to enlist, Jeremy goes off to try and find his beloved horse. The movie follows the ups and (mostly) downs of Joey’s army career. Joey has unimaginable courage and drive. We also follow Albert in his quest to re-unite with Joey.
My two cents: A pretty good movie. The horse really has unbelievable courage and drive. What will keep some people from really embracing this film is the violence. There are a lot of scenes showing the horrors of trench warfare. What I found hardest to take was the punishing life Joey had in the army. Horses were considered totally expendable, They were basically worked until the dropped and then executed and replaced. The worst scene, for me, is when Joey broke free and went charging through the battlefield. I won’t give any more away – but be prepared to cringe by the time Joey’s charge is done. If you can deal with the animal suffering, you should enjoy this movie.