Genre: musical
Synopsis: This movie shows us the cast of Glee in concert – as their characters from the TV show. It also shows a lot of behind the scenes clips and has a lot of interviews with Glee fans about how the show has affected their lives.
My two cents: I almost skipped this movie. I have not heard anything good about it; but I am a big Glee fan, so I gave it a shot. I think it was a mistake to make it 3D . . . the 3D effects were definitely not worth the extra money and inconvenience. Some of the production numbers were really good, some not so good. I was a little puzzled as to why it was the actors stayed in character for the concert . . . why couldn’t they let Kevin McHale walk around on stage rather than making him stick to his wheelchair as Artie (except for one number). I did find it pretty interesting to see how Glee has helped so many people in their everyday lives. Especially interesting was a “little person” who was on her high school cheerleading squad and was homecoming queen. She explained how Glee helped her to see that she was not the only one who is different. It was really pretty inspiring.
Bottom line: the music by itself was not enough to make me give this a thumbs up – but when you include the real-life stories of how Glee has affected kids’ lives, my thumb has to point skyward.