Movie: Jaws
Genre: thriller
Synopsis: Chief Brody (Roy Scheider) is the police chief of Amity, a small east-coast island community whose economy depends on beach visitors. When a shark attack occurs days before July 4th, the town mayor is unwilling to close the beaches for fear of losing tourist dollars. It soon becomes apparent that a really big white shark has picked Amity to be its feeding grounds. A shark expert (Richard Dreyfus) and Chief Brody team up with a grizzled fishing boat skipper (Robert Shaw) to try and hunt and catch the great white.
My two cents: Believe it or not, I had never seen this movie. When I had the opportunity to see it today in a movie theatre, I jumped at the chance. I can see why it was such a blockbuster. Even after 36 years, the movie packs a wallop.