Movie: Mirror Mirror
Genre: fantasy comedy
Synopsis: The King (Sean Bean) is a widower with a young daughter, Snow White (Lily Collins – daughter of Phil). The King gets remarried to the beautiful Queen (Julia Roberts). When the King mysteriously disappears, the Queen’s true colors come out. She banishes Snow White to her room and begins taxing the people of the kingdom mercilessly. When Snow White manages to escape the castle for a visit to the village, she meets ends up with a handsome prince (Armie Hammer) who had been waylaid by seven bandit dwarves. The Queen decides she wants to marry the prince – and orders Snow White to be killed to eliminate the competition. Of course, she ends up with the dwarfs.
My two cents: This was a delightful movie. Julia Roberts was spot-on as the over-the-top evil Queen. Everything in the movie was just right. Any adult with a sense of humor should enjoy this movie – and the dwarfs should be enough to keep kids happy.