Movie: Paranormal Activity 3
Genre: horror-thriller
Synopsis: The third movie in the Paranormal Activity series, this is a prequel to the previous (which was a prequel to the first). The movie spends most of its time in 1988 where we see Katie (played by Katie Featherston as an adult and Chloe Csengery as a child) and Kristi Rey (played by Sprague Grayden as an adult and Jessica Tyler Brown as a child) as children. When things start going bump in the night, and Kristi Rey gains an imaginary friend, the girls’ stepfather starts using video cameras at night to try and figure out what is going on. What is going on is pretty darned scary.
My two cents: Not quite as good as the previous installment – still pretty darn good. It has a number of those “gotcha” moments that will bring you out of your seat. If you liked the previous two, you will enjoy this. I think it would also work for someone who has not seen the first two – although I definitely recommend seeing them first, if you have that option. My only real beef is one I had with the first one – you have a guy filming with a handheld camera. Something happens that scares the crap out of him – and as he runs away, he keeps filming. I’m sorry, but I just cannot run fast enough if I am looking through a viewfinder.