Thursday, April 19, 2012

American Reunion

Movie: American Reunion
Genre: romantic comedy
Synopsis: Everyone from American Pie (and its six sequels) are back for the boys’ thirteen year reunion.  Everyone is a little older and a little wiser (except for Stiffler).  Now wives and kids are added to the mix.

My two cents: Well . . . .  I got bored pretty quickly.  I mean . .  . what school has a 13-year reunion.  If you are a fan of the other American  ____ (fill in the blank) movies, you will probably enjoy this.  I think my favorite scene was near the end of the movie – it was a scene with Stiffler meeting the MILF of his dreams.


The Three Stooges

Movie: The Three Stooges
Genre: slapstick comedy
Synopsis: We get to see how the Larry (Sean Hayes), Curly (Will Sasso) and Moe (Chris Diamantopoulos got their start – as infants in an orphanage run by Mother Superior (Jane Lynch) and her nuns – including Sister Rosemary (Jennifer Hudson) and Sister Mary-Mengele (Larry David).  Now adults – but still at the orphanage – the stooges set out to earn enough money to save the orphanage from foreclosure.

My two cents: If you are a Three Stooges fan, you would like this.  I questioned casting Sean Hayes as Larry – but he was actually pretty good.  Larry David as a nun was certainly interesting.  The gem, though, was Will Sasso as Curly.  There were times when I could have been watching the original Curly.  He captured his moves, his mannerisms, his sounds, … he nailed everything.  That said, I found that watching men whack each other with hammers and take a chainsaw to someone’s forehead just was not quite as funny to watch as when I was ten.



Movie: Detention
Genre: horror-comedy
Synopsis: A killer named Cinderhella is murdering his way around the students of Grizzly Lake’s high school.  The students are busy trying to figure out who the killer is, before they are all dead.

My two cents: The movie sounded interesting, but it hit me as being just kind of stupid.  Knowing what I know now – I would not even waste my time watching it on HBO.
