Movie: Red Tails
Genre: war
Synopsis: A squadron (company?) of Tuskegee-trained black airmen is stationed in Italy in 1944. Due to the prejudice that was rampant back then, the Tuskegee airmen have not been trusted to do anything other than the simplest of missions, far from the enemy lines. Finally their leader, Colonel (Terrence Howard) manages to get them a really mission.- flying fighter support to the waves of American bombers being sent into Germany. The future of black aviators in the military hinge on the success – or failure – of this assignment.
My two cents: The historical aspects of this movie were fascinating. The dog-fight sequences were also extremely well-done. I was not as sold on the acting. I like Cuba Gooding Jr. (Major Stance), but the sight of him sporting a pipe just did not seem natural. I did enjoy seeing Daniela Ruah (she is Kensi on NCIS: LA) as an Italian girl who falls in love with one of the airmen. Despite some reservations about the movie, I think this is one of those “must-see” movies to provide insight into what blacks had to put up with. It was appalling to see how poorly (to be charitable) the blacks were treated. I just find it mind-boggling to see such discrimination in action.