Movie: The Grey
Genre: drama
Synopsis: Ottway (Liam Neeson) is a professional hunter. His current job is in Alaska where he has been hired to shoot wolves before the wolves kill oil workers. When a plane he is on crashes in the arctic, he is one of seven to survive the crash. The only other living thing in the area seems to be a pack of wolves – who view the men as meals. The movie follows the men as they try to make their way to safety while battling the elements as well as the wolves. Everything builds to a face-off between Ottway and the alpha male of the wolf pack.
My two cents: A really good movie. Lots of intense action. These wolves look they would intimidate Cujo. After watching the struggle of these men to survive the conditions in the Arctic, I may never get the urge to fly over snow again. Liam Neeson was great. There is a scene in which he is comforting a man who is dying that is unlike any I have ever seen. Note – if you see this movie do not leave before the end of the credits. There is a final scene that, although probably less than 10 seconds in length, you will NOT want to miss. Pay very close attention.
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